Archive for April, 2008
Freaky Steroid Video From Youtube
This will freak you out. This guy Gregg Valentino was juiced up and grew the world’s biggest arms.
Then they got infected and nearly killed the dude.
I’m glad I dont use steroids. No need to you can get big anyway (who wants cancer and heart disease) not me.
Persistence is Key to Success
How many of you folks have heard of Clarence Bass. This old guy is 70 and has been pumping iron since he was about 15 years old. Clarence has written several best sellers on bodybuilding and on getting ripped in particular. Here’s a link to Clarence’s website
Now despite the fact that I respect this guy and I want to be fit like him when I am 70 I still haven’t read his darn books. Well I better get some copies real soon and give you guys a review.
There are a number of articles and FAQ’s plus some excellent products on his website.
I really do need to work on my midsection now I am 39 and have allways been aware that 40 is a turning point as at this age you have to put more into the aerobics to protect your future health.
The belly fat is another issue at middle age. Its crucial to lose it and thats why I need clarence’s books. To motivate me to burn my abdominal fat away forever.

Heaps of my artwork on Flickr
Hey I stuck a bunch of my bodybuilding illustrations of flickr last night.
Heres the link:
I’m having a long run to the beach today. Hopefully this will burn some fat off my guts.
This is the view where i run. Its kind of along a very long flat esplanade. Its a very beautifull view on a summers day.
That big cone shaped island is an extinct volcano called rangitoto island. There are about 40 volcanoes all around auckland city. One day I’m gunna catch a ferry over and hike up the volcano.