Archive for the ‘BodyBuilding’ Category
Joint Centric Training Update
Some time ago I blogged about developing a Joint Centric training program for people over 40.
Thats because its the joints that start to go more than anything once you are a senior athlete.
Well luckily I found a program ready made thats fits the bill. Its Ido Portal.
Many people will have heard of Ido but he has no course just a blog. A person online has put his stuff into a downloadable file.
Get it here —>
Keep Updated Here —>
Here is Ido’s site –>
Something obvious that may be stopping you from running
20 years ago I was a grunt. An infantry man. A foot soldier and I could run real good even though I was 90kg.
Back then I had discovered something. Orthotic Arch supports.
Yes I probably came across it in muscle & fitness magazine or somewhere similar but these things cured my back aches over night.
Not cured back aches in progress but completely prevented them.
I used arch supports for years. Not even custom ones just ones from a store. The high quality leather ones that are hard but padded.
So some how after not having back aches for years I managed to forget all about arch supports.
Gradually my ability to run has decreased. I put it down to being bigger.
Running has been harder and harder with calf sprains, sore knees and man am I slow these days.
But on a cycle or rowing machine I am just as good as when I was 35.
What a silly bastard I am – I plumb forgot all about my Orthotic Arch supports.
These days they are $7 bucks on aliexpress – I am going to go to a podiatrist and get a scientific assessment.
They will probably make me a set but I will also buy a bunch off aliexpress.
The podiatrist will tell me exactly what inserts I need for particular tasks.
Because for the last 3 years my back aches have gotten worse and worse and worse.
Not only that but back aches can be caused (make that triggered) by many things.
Your feet and shoes are the first thing to fix.
If that doesn’t work get an X-ray or MRI. One major cause of lower back pain is degeneration due to atherosclerosis in the trunk

Common Sites of Atherosclerotic Obstruction
So just get your damn feet checked or if you are broke get some cheap arch supports and see if it works for you.
How to take Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
ALA is a mercury chelator that passes through the blood brain barrier
ALA is strongly acidic and you dont want to use the stuff in a suppository. Oral doses should be small & every 3-4 hours. To a maximum of 3 mg per KG of body weight.
So you can take it 3-4x per day. I am 107 KG so I can take a max of 321mg per day but its very acidic like I said and 100mg will burn your mouth a little. Its recommended to start with very small doses. 300 mg is 1/16 of a teaspoon. Only small amounts of ALA are required.
Start very low & build up to the max per body weight. Also dont start ALA & glutathione until you have done phase one on EDTA which is 50 treatments.
For more detailed info on ALA & DMSA read about the Cutler protocols but be aware this protocol is prejudiced against EDTA
I have now had EDTA & charcoal 60 times and ALA & glutathione 3 times
One other thing about ALA – if your sense of smell is poor you may be in for a very pleasant surprise
Detox & the Brain
Now I have told you about EDTA & the cardio vascular system. As far as the brain goes EDTA will make you feel more alert. Smarter is how it makes me feel. Thats because the brain is soaked by blood vessels.
The EDTA gets into all blood vessels in the body including the brain. All of those capilliaries get cleaned by EDTA & excess calcium is removed. However EDTA does not pass the blood brain barrier. So it does not remove mercury & lead directly from the brain.
The blood brain barrier is not some cut off line at your neck. EDTA enfuses your entire brain & cleans all of the blood vessels which causes cognitive enhancement. But it does not pass from the capilliaries into the brain tissue.
If you have inflamation in your brain EDTA & other substances may leak through the blood brain barrier but that is pathological.
You will require either DMSA and/or Glutathione to detox your brain. EDTA is a massive help as it clears the circulatory system. There is another thing that can detox the brain & circumvent the blood brain barrier. That is PEMF.
Finally another protocol is ALA – Alpha Lipoic Acid which can be taken along with Glutathione & EDTA or DMSA. DMSA requires a prescription in some countries including mine so I wont be using it at this stage. DMSA is also more toxic than the other substances mentioned.
OK so this is the next step in the detox. To remove lead, mercury, excess calcium & toxic chemicals from the brain.
N-acetyl cysteine, zinc, and selenium can also be used to treat mercury poisoning & have been documented as superior to DMSA in one study.
Glutathione & EDTA Detox
Glutathione is an amino acid sometimes called the “master antioxidant” of the human body. It accounts for a huge percentage of your total antioxidant capacity. And it’s not something that you can get from food. Most foods have some glutathione, but the glutathione you eat is broken down by digestion before it ever gets where you want it. Studies have found that dietary glutathione isn’t actually associated with glutathione levels in the blood, and supplementing with glutathione is an extremely inefficient (and expensive) way to raise glutathione levels by a very small amount.
Instead of eating it in food, your body produces glutathione itself. And if your capacity to do that is impaired, it’s a big deal. Glutathione is crucial for detoxification in the liver; unlike some other detoxification schemes that will remain nameless, it actually has documented evidence of a benefit. It’s also necessary for healthy immune function and general antioxidant defenses against free radicals. Low levels of glutathione are associated with health problems from overtraining to HIV/AIDS.
Here’s a look at why it’s so important, and some interventions that actually work for raising glutathione levels.
What Glutathione Does
Glutathione does all kinds of things! Two of the most important are assisting with detoxification in the liver and its anti-inflammatory/immune function.
Glutathione and Detoxification
Glutathione is critical for detoxification in the liver (you know, the thing that actually helps you detoxify, unlike weird footpads and lemon juice cleanses). In the liver, glutathione binds to toxins before they’re excreted, which is an important step in getting them out of your body. In fact, the detox power of glutathione is so powerful that it’s used for people who overdose on Tylenol (acetaminophen) and have to go to the hospital to detox. In that case, the person gets an IV with another amino acid that helps their body make glutathione, called N-acetyl cysteine (NAC). The NAC increases their body’s production of glutathione, which helps their liver get rid of the acetaminophen.
Glutathione may also be very important for helping your body get rid of toxins in your food and environment. For example, one study found that in people who eat a lot of fish, the total amount of mercury the people retained in their bodies was related to genes regulating glutathione synthesis. The more glutathione people made, the less mercury they retained.
Glutathione Body Detoxification: Some Toxic Insurgents
Deadly Chemicals in Your Shampoo Understanding the sham in shampoo.
Pesticides on Food
Plastics: The Safe and Health Harmful.
Fluoride in Drinking Water Drinking fluoridated water can result in fluoride poisoning and numerous disease processes. When reacting to other ingredients in water in makes for even more toxic dangers. Did you know it is in many common foods and beverages?
Radiation results in a unique type of poisoning.
Auto Exhaust
Smoking and Tobacco
Heavy Metal Toxicity
The Toxic Element Mercury
Amalgam Dental Fillings
Lead Poisoning
Syndromes and Sensitivities
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Gulf War Syndrome
Chemical Solvents
Alphaic hydrocarbons (vinal chloride, hexachlorohexane, plastics)
Gasoline Related Blood Disease
These are among the many other substances detoxified by glutathione conjugation.
Anti-Inflammatory and Immune Benefits
Of course, glutathione is most famous for its general antioxidant effects. This study defined glutathione as “a first line of defense” against oxidative stress. Other enzymes that rely on glutathione also provide a backup. If you’re not really sure what that means or why it’s good, the explanation you’re looking for is right here: to give the very short version, antioxidants help protect your cells from DNA damage that can cause serious problems down the line.Brain
This is particularly important in the brain. Of all the tissues in your body, your brain is one of the most vulnerable to oxidative stress: it’s full of unsaturated fats, and it uses a lot of oxygen (20% of your daily oxygen consumption goes to your brain). Combine fragile unsaturated fats with a lot of oxygen, and you’ve got a recipe for oxidative damage…unless glutathione is there to save the day. Some new research has suggested that lower glutathione levels may make the brain more vulnerable to damage in neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s.
The defense against oxidative stress helps keep inflammation under control. Glutathione also has more direct effects on the immune system. Glutathione is important for natural killer cells – “natural killer” sounds like something you don’t want in your body, but in this case the natural killers are on your side, fighting off viruses and bacteria that try to attack you. For example, this study explores how glutathione affects natural killer cells (one type of immune cells) in a way that might help fight off tuberculosis.
Who has Low Glutathione Levels?
You can see the importance of glutathione by taking a look at what kinds of diseases are typically associated with low glutathione levels. This study and this one give a partial list of people who have unusually low levels of glutathione.
Elderly people. Aging is associated with lower glutathione levels. It’s not clear whether this is caused by inadequate protein consumption or problems synthesizing glutathione.
Patients with wasting diseases (most famously HIV/AIDS)
Patients with lung cancer and other pulmonary diseases
Patients with major injuries, sepsis, and trauma
Patients with gut diseases like Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis)
Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Overtrained athletes
People with alcoholism or fatty liver disease
People with diabetes and lower glucose tolerance
In many of these cases, raising glutathione levels has shown some therapeutic benefits.
Diet, Lifestyle, and Glutathione
Taking glutathione itself as a supplement isn’t very helpful, because it’s not absorbed well and your gut basically breaks it all down, so it doesn’t do much good. The typical way to raise glutathione levels is to give a person another amino acid called N-acetyl cysteine (NAC). This is what’s done in hospitals for Tylenol overdose. Taking NAC provides your body with L-cysteine, which removes one barrier to producing more glutathione. Taking NAC supplements can help restore glutathione levels in elderly people to the levels normally found in young people.
Other studies have examined various other ways to increase glutathione activity:
This study suggests that exercise can increase glutathione levels. The study also compared cardio, weight training, and a combination of both, and found that the combination program was the most effective.
This study found that older adults who ate the most dairy had the highest concentration of brain glutathione. The study was also funded by the dairy industry, and contradicts an earlier study showing no effect, so take it with a massive grain of salt.
In rats, at least, a ketogenic diet can increase glutathione levels.
Cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and the rest of that family) may be very helpful, but the effect in humans might depend on genetic differences in glutathione production.
Garlic and onions, like cruciferous vegetables, are rich in sulfur. Sulfur is a precursor to glutathione, and eating enough sulfur-rich vegetables can help make sure you aren’t limiting your glutathione supply.
Finally a Convenient and Potent EDTA Detox
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a chemical which is formulated to attract and bind to harmful bodily heavy metals such as aluminum, chromium, lead, and mercury within the bloodstream. After luring these potentially toxic materials throughout the body, EDTA is designed to be efficiently and safely excreted in the urine with substantial quantities of heavy metals in tow. This denies toxins which have penetrated the bloodstream the chance to do serious damage across multiple bodily systems.1,2
EDTA is often administered via an IV injection. While this ensures a greater potency than any form of oral intake, it can be inconvenient and generally more expensive. EDTA suppositories provide a much needed middle ground between the convenience of oral intake and the high absorption rates of IV intake. The tissues of the lower bowel are especially porous and facilitate an easy passage for EDTA into the bloodstream with impressive rates of absorption.
Cleansing the Body with Central Antioxidant Glutathione
Glutathione is such a critically important antioxidant within the body that it’s difficult to know where to start when describing its benefits. It’s primary role, along with most antioxidants, is to help the body in neutralizing free radicals, thereby reducing accumulations of oxidative stress. Free radicals are essentially atoms within our body that have unpaired electrons. They will seek to pair said electrons by stealing one from other molecules in the body, creating a chain reaction of damage and imbalance to fats, proteins and cell membrane alike. This damage is referred to as oxidative stress. Antioxidants are able to pair with these unbalanced free radicals without becoming significantly damaged or unbalanced themselves, thus neutralizing the threat. When quantities of free radicals exceed those of crucial antioxidants like glutathione, more and more cells will become contaminated and oxidized. This oxidative stress is thought to be at the root of numerous life-threatening health concerns, and even the process of aging itself.3
In addition to neutralizing the free radicals generated by toxins, glutathione also aids in the removal of toxins before they are able to cause significant damage to the body. It achieves this by binding to toxins in the liver before they are excreted. This makes their excretion (and the overall function of the liver) more efficient. The liver, a central detoxifying organ, relies on an ample supply of glutathione to stay healthy and function optimally.4
Glutathione must be absorbed into the bloodstream in order to be effective. Suppository intake is a convenient way to regularly and conveniently add to your body’s supply of glutathione with rates of absorption comparable to IV intake.
EDTA Chelation Update
Another update on EDTA treatment:
I have had 34 EDTA suppository treatments now. I feel very damn good thank you.
Decided to stick with 1200mg as it feels fine.
I noticed a couple of days back that my Adams Apple is smaller – my thyroid gland has shrunk. Its been swollen for so long I didnt notice.
In the gym my cardio while neglected for many years is twice as good as six weeks ago. Boxing, running & rowing all way better in terms of duration & intensity. Literally can last twice as long.
So I have decided to give EDTA a thumbs up to everybody – non medical advice from me.
I have also had a decrease in shortness of breath at night. Slight sexual improvement too.
Now I have renovated properties for 20 years with zero regard for lead precautions so maybe I have just cleaned out a pile of crap.
But I really hope to clear my blood vessels with this stuff – gunna keep on using it.
One of the best supplements I have ever used.
Here are a couple of reasons to take EDTA…
Remember: Once you are 50 or over this is not something that affects a few unfortunates – Everybody has this disease!!!
UPDATE: As of Jul 24 I have had 42 doses – last night my resting heart rate was 59 at its lowest. I dont recall having a HR that low since my 30’s. And I am really not doing that much cardio yet. Excellent 😉
Have done EDTA & charcoal 25 times now – feel great
Yes the EDTA & PEMF are doing me good & I am 50 in ten days. I recommend both at any age – great stuff.
I was taking 650mg of EDTA most of the time but upped it to 1200mg to see the effect. First night yeah I really noticed it. Last night it was fine so I will use the current batch of suppositories at 1200 then drop back down to 650.
If I feel my kidneys are getting hammered I take a day or two break so its been just over a month since I started now.
PLUS my cardio in the gym is improving, running, punch bag etc – its great.
How to make Pine Pollen into a potent steroidal agent
OK we are all familiar with Pine Pollen tincture. This is where the pollen is soaked in alcohol for a minimum 2 weeks and the solution is administered sublingually. Most of the solution is alcohol & the testosterone is diluted.
This is similar to how cannabis oil is made. The cannabis leaf or head is soaked in isopropylene and the resulting solution is similar to a herbal tincture – except that you dont want to be using isopropylene for a tincture. What they do next is boil the isopropylene in a pot on the stove for 1-2 hours until they have a sticky residue. That is cannabis resin & it is 80% THC. This is normally then smoked.
What I want to propose is that the Pine Pollen tincture is similarly boiled on a stove top to remove the alcohol:
A study conducted by the US Department of Agriculture’s Nutrient Data Laboratory calculated the percentage of alcohol remaining in a dish based on various cooking methods. The results are as follows:
Preparation Method and Percent of Alcohol Retained
alcohol added to boiling liquid & removed from heat: 85%
alcohol flamed: 75%
no heat, stored overnight: 70%
baked, 25 minutes, alcohol not stirred into mixture: 45%
baked/simmered, alcohol stirred into mixture:
15 minutes – 40%
30 minutes – 35%
1 hour – 25%
1.5 hours – 20%
2 hours – 10%
2.5 hours – 5%
If I boil off the alcohol in pine pollen tincture its about 80 Celsius – the same as a hot sauna – much lower than waters boiling point.
OK so you can see from above this will leave you with a greatly concentrated androgenic residue – Keep in mind that I do not know how resilient the androgens are to heat extraction & I will update this post when I find out. Basically at this point if the androgens and other nutrients are intact then you have a very potent steroid.
But I dont expect you to smoke it. The reason I thought of this is that the only effective way to absorb it is in a suppository & to do that it must be melted into cocoa butter – something that cant be done with a tincture.
You can add nettle or another herb to protect your prostate also. Suppositories are gross & I never took one until a couple of weeks back. Basically its the same as treating a hemorrhoid. It takes 1-2 seconds to stick the suppository in then you squeeze your butt for 5-10 minutes. That’s it, nothing gay, homo or fag involved. Its just a gross thing to do. Same as wiping your ass after a crap, do you dwell upon it all day? no of course not.
I use a plastic bag for hygiene then toss it out after – very simple.
Now there are a couple of questions.
Dosing? dont ask me I dont know how much androgen will be in your preparation.
Will the testosterone & other stuff survive the heat? I dont know – will try find out.
Finally will you need to cycle this – well if the stuff in it survives the heat almost certainly as it will be 20x stronger than tincture with 50-80% absorption.
So there you go a 100% legal steroid made from pine tree pollen.
UPDATE: Tried it once via suppository & will be sticking to sub-lingual. Suppositories are gross. I’m gunna reserve that for stuff with no alternative.
Testosterone has a low MOL so will easily pass through under the tongue.