Posts Tagged ‘anabolic solutions’
Anabolic Stacks
Anabolic stacks are a natural but not always healthy alternative to anabolic steroid use when one is considering anabolic solutions. A natural anabolic stack will be less potent than anabolic steroids in all circumstances but is much safer and cheaper.
Lets face it its better to use a legal anabolic if you can – right ?
You often hear lots of stuff about anabolic steroids, but do you exactly know what anabolic steroids are. I feel most of you people still need to have complete knowledge on anabolic steroids VS pro anabolic stacks.
Anabolic steroids, also known as anabolic-androgenic steroids or AAS, are the steroid hormones related to the hormone testosterone, which is key player in the growth of cells, tissues, muscles, bones, and genitals.

Actually, anabolic steroids are the synthetic derivatives of the naturally occurring male anabolic hormone testosterone, the principal male sex hormone. The anabolic steroid testosterone is primarily secreted in the testes of males, and the ovaries of females, although small amounts are secreted by the adrenal glands. It plays key roles in health and well-being in both males and females. It is responsible for libido, energy, immune function, and protection against osteoporosis. On average, an adult human male body produces about eight to ten times more testosterone than an adult female body. Testosterone is also found in numerous animals.
Etymologically, the words anabolic and androgenic have come from the Greek – the word ‘anabolic’ meaning “to build up”, and the word ‘androgenic’ meaning “andros” i.e. “man” + “genein” i.e. “masculinizing”. Thus, anabolic steroids have many androgenic and anabolic properties.
First discovered in the early 1930s, anabolic steroids have been since used for a number of medical purposes, such as to push up bone growth, muscle growth, appetite, protein synthesis, and puberty. These drugs are often used to treat several chronic wasting diseases, such as AIDS and cancer. They are also beneficial in curing a number of disorders and conditions associated with low level of testosterone in body.
However, over use or excessive use of anabolic steroids has a number of side effects, such as giddiness, early hair loss, mood swings (anger, depression and aggression), delusion, feelings of fear and suspicion, sleeping problems, vomiting and nausea, trembling, joints pain, yellow fever, high blood pressure, problems in urinary system, heart problems, stroke, liver damage, etc.
Anabolic steroids work imitating the properties of naturally occurring hormones in your body. Your muscle tissue is peppered with receptor sites specific to growth. The correct hormonal ‘key’ can only access these sites or ‘locks’. As their chemical composition is so similar to the hormone testosterone, anabolic steroids can activate these receptor sites. Once the receptor sites have been stimulated, a domino effect of metabolic reactions take place as the body is instructed by the drug to increase muscle tissue production.
While the beneficial affects of anabolic steroids seem to be out weighed by the disadvantages it is a good idea to consider using an anabolic stack that is drug free.
Two such stacks are the HGH and Testosterone natural anabolic stacks available for free download from my site.
In these two free guides the natural anabolic stacks are discussed and the pro anabolic ingredients are listed so you can make your own legal anabolic alternative to anabolic steroids.