Posts Tagged ‘autogenic meditation’
Autogenics – I figured it out

Concentrative Self Relaxation
Autogenic training is my favorite form of meditation. Its like a cross between the relaxation response & deep hypnosis.
The original text books by Shultz are available on Internet Archive.
The training consists of the relaxation exercises and more advanced meditation exercises that open up your minds eye very vividly.
Many people only ever do the basic exercises which is like learning to drive but never actually doing it again.
Others get stuck & cant progress beyond without months & months of practice everyday.
I have had difficulty transitioning to the advanced meditation phase of autogenic training
Something I used to be able to do as a child
It helps to know what’s actually going on & I have figured it out
In autogenic therapy you are intimately tuned into the afferent and efferent nerve interaction
As you progress to the advanced stage exercises there is an actual shift in brain state
The nerve signals reverse direction – there is an electrical polarity shift in the brain
Imagination and Reality Look Different in the Brain
The measurable electrical polarity shift I read about somewhere else possibly in the book body electric – I will hunt for more information
I believe it was referenced in relation to the loss of consciousness – but will have to find the literature
This is an actual physical reflex that the stimuli of the autogenic training coaxes from the body
As I recall when I used to do it as a child there was a sensation of an actual change in state before the spontaneous onset of colour visualization.
So there is a quantifiable scientific basis to it that can be used for feedback. Once you have changed to this state the visualizations become very vivid
Update on Autogenics
I have been doing autogenic meditation for many months now – usually 2 or 3 sessions daily minimum.
I usually do two short sessions and a long one at bed time.
To assist I have a sound and light machine, a CES and a ganzfeld mask.
I bought a bunch of the best books on autogenics off amazon before beginning:
Autogenic Training: The Effective Holistic Way to Better Health
by Dr. Kai Kermani
Autogenic Therapy Volume 1 Autogenic Method
by Wolfgang Luthe
The Jack Schwarz Method of Autogenics
…and several others.
Basically through deep relaxation autogenics heals psychosomatic illness and symptoms. Improvements in memory, imagination, smell & taste etc can result. Any stress related illnesses can be prevented or reversed.
Yes my ability to visualize is gradually improving. More in stops and starts really as when I do get clear images they are crystal clear.
Also things like my sense of taste – this morning it was like I could feel every nerve in my tongue while meditating.
Another method I have found that is ideal to do along with autogenics is the sedona method for emotional control.
At the moment I am working on increasing the length of time I can stay in the autogenic state undisturbed. In a few months this will result in the imagery and visualization ability to become fully activated.