Posts Tagged ‘electrolyte’
Premature Ventricular Contractions
PVCs are extra heart beats. I just found out I have it.
I will explain. I just got on a clinical trial for a triglyceride drug. Basically I get $4500 for a one time administration of the drug & 3 months of weekly blood tests and check up.
OK so during the 3 days inpatient I got the most thorough physical. There were no exercise stress tests but there was total blood paneling multiple times per day. Urinalysis many times etc.
3 weeks prior to the study I had a real bad heat stroke at work – nearly A&E material and I had ice on me until 1am then still felt bad for 2 days. A week later i stupidly drank 8 cups of green tea over a weekend forgetting that is is a diuretic. This really messed me up & i pissed & drank water continuously for 3 days while still struggling with the heat stroke recovery.
This in turn must have pissed all of my potassium out, which elevated my blood pressure & triggered PVC’s.
PVC’s are benign but unpleasant. I have mistaken it for onset sleep apnea for years. Its not its heart flutter although sleep apnea can cause it as can excessive sympathetic stimulation and adrenaline.
1. Can you die of it? No its benign usually.
2. Can it be a symptom of heart disease? Yes but it usually is not.
3. Is it related to enlarged athletes heart? Absolutely that can contribute to PVC’s
How to fix it then?
A multi front approach is required. Reduce stress, do not overtrain, do cardo, make sure your blood potassium is above average & electrolytes are balanced, control your blood pressure, do HRV training, meditate, increase vagus parasympathetic tone. Another thing that can resolve the problem is EDTA suppository which takes care of high blood pressure. Here is a good medical article
If you are a heavy sweater – me, have been dehydrated – me, have been under stress lately – me, then you are a contender for potassium deficiency or PVC’s in general.
How common are PVC’s? In athletes – way more than regular folk – we are adrenaline addicts.
Clinical significance of PVCs depends on the clinical context in which they occur.
PVCs in young healthy patients without underlying structural heart disease are usually not associated with any increased rate of mortality.
PVCs in older adults, especially with underlying heart disease, are associated with an increased risk of adverse cardiac events, esp sustained ventricular dysrhythmias and sudden death.
So yeah if you are older & in bad shape it may spell big trouble. Otherwise its an abnormality but not anything to fear.
Here’s a good book on the topic…

The Haywire Heart by Lennard Zinn, Dr. John Mandrola, and Chris Case
Finally a good thing that is proven to reduce PVCs is a daily sauna.