Detox Update

The paint manufacturer tells me the product does not contain isocyanate. To be more accurate that is what the firms technical rep (salesman) says so it is dubious information.

The datasheet does not say either way but I know a couple of the chemicals are manufactured from & often contain isocyanate.

Here is the datasheet carbogard 504

Here is the product safety sheet Carbogard Safety Sheet

You may notice certain information in the Safety sheet is omited from the product sheet.

Primary threat to life from ingestion and/or inhalation, is respiratory failure.

Regardless of the isocyanate the fumes definitely contained formaldehyde & xylene plus a dozen or so other chemicals.

Equally as bad as isocyanates.

I need to do 100 hours of sauna. Up to 7 hours so far & will go hard this afternoon. Took a break from it yesterday.

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